國際門徒418成全事工 會員 規劃 A.一般會員-(網路會員) 不需要費用 不需要申請 可流覽整個網站資訊 除了會員專區 B.事工會員-(協會會員) 需依循台灣418全人關懷協會章程規定 並成為協會會員 1.須繳交入會費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 2.須繳交常年費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 (每年繳) 3.並有 參與堅固協會經常費及協會規劃執行活動之義務 4.可免費獲贈張志雄牧師著作書籍一本(往後每年可獲贈新書一本) (已有書籍者可獲贈418文化出版書籍或418代理書籍一本) (新書出版會員可憑會員證免費領書壹本/台灣地區以外區域需等協會至海外執行業務時領書) 5.可免費獲贈418出版2012張志雄牧師專題信息CD一套(4個信息各一片//往後每年可獲贈新CD一套) 6.可流覽整個網站資訊 (包括每月一篇張牧師講道、新書新訊公告、每月418時程表) 7.可參加418培訓課程 8.可收到每月418代禱信 9.每年可收到418協會 會訊一份 10.可享浸透之旅報名費半價優惠 11.網路訂購書籍或CD可享會員折扣(宅配/運費自行負責) C.精兵會員 1.需參加1年以上事工會員 2.需參加2次以上418浸透之旅 3.能夠奉耶穌的名醫治2種以上疾病 4.經歷奉耶穌的名把鬼趕出去 5.能夠方言禱告一個小時 6. 曾獲張志雄牧師奉耶穌的名差派公開服事的事工會員 7須繳交入會費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 8.須繳交常年費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 (每年繳) 9..並有 參與堅固協會經常費及協會規劃執行活動之義務 10.可免費獲贈張志雄牧師著作書籍一本(往後每年可獲贈新書一本) (已有書籍者可獲贈418文化出版書籍或418代理書籍一本) (新書出版會員可憑會員證免費領書壹本/台灣地區以外區域需等協會至海外執行業務時領書) 11.可免費獲贈418出版2012張志雄牧師專題信息CD一套(4個信息各一片/往後每年可獲贈新CD一套) 12.可流覽整個網站資訊 (包括每月一篇張牧師講道、新書新訊公告、每月418時程表) 13.可參加418培訓課程 14.可收到每月418代禱信 15.每年可收到418協會 會訊一份 16.可享浸透之旅報名費半價優惠 17.網路訂購書籍或CD可享會員折扣(宅配/運費自行負責) 18.可報名參加418舉辦之區域性特別聚會或短宣 D.核心會員 .張志雄牧師奉耶穌的名差派公開主責服事的會員 1.需參加2年以上精兵會員 2.需參加3次以上418浸透之旅 3.能夠奉耶穌的名醫治4種以上疾病 4.經歷奉耶穌的名把鬼趕出去 5.能夠方言禱告一個小時 6.曾獲張志雄牧師奉耶穌的名差派公開主責服事的精兵會員 7.須繳交入會費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 8.須繳交常年費NT 1000// RM120// SIN50 (每年繳) 9..並有 參與堅固協會經常費及協會規劃執行活動之義務 10.可免費獲贈張志雄牧師著作書籍一本(往後每年可獲贈新書一本) (已有書籍者可穫贈418文化出版書籍或418代理書籍一本) (新書出版會員可憑會員證免費領書壹本/台灣地區以外區域需等協會至海外執行業務時領書) 11.可免費獲贈418出版2012張志雄牧師專題信息CD一套(4個信息各一片/往後每年可獲贈新CD一套) 12.可流覽整個網站資訊 (包括每月一篇張牧師講道、新書新訊公告、每月418時程表) 13.可參加418培訓課程 14.可收到每月418代禱信 15.每年可收到418協會會訊一份 16.可享浸透之旅報名費半價優惠 17.網路訂購書籍或CD可享會員折扣(宅配/運費自行負責) 18.可報名參加418舉辦之區域性特別聚會或短宣 19.可獲基督生命讀經進修版CD (按進度提供) International 418 Discipleship Ministries - Membership Planning A.一般會員General Members (“Internet members”) : Free membership, no application required Can surf the website except registered members’ designated sites. B. 事工會員Ministering members (Association members) : Per the articles of Taiwan 418 Holistic Care Association Can apply for membership online 1.Required to pay a one time registration fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 2.Required to pay annual membership fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 (to be renewed yearly) 3. Obliged to contribute to the association operating fund and activity-planning 4.Can receive a yearly complimentary book by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong or a book either published by the 418 Cultural Enterprise Company or distributed by 418.( Members need to present membership card for collection. Members outside of Taiwan will collect whenever 418 operate at their regions.) 5.Can receive a yearly complimentary CD set of Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s topical sermons, starting 2012 (4 CDs, 1 sermon each). 6.Can access the website (including Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s monthly sermon, new book bulletin and 418 monthly schedules) 7. Can participate in 418 training courses 8. Can receive a monthly 418 prayer letter. 9. Can receive an annual 418 Association newsletter. 10. Can enjoy a half-price registration fee for “418 Soak in the Spirit Journey” 11.Can enjoy a membership discount for online purchase of books or CDs. (Arrange own shipment) C. 精兵會員 Senior members: 1.Must be a ministering member for at least a year 2. Must have participated in “418 Soak in the Spirit Journey” at least twice 3. Must be able to heal at least two kinds of diseases in the name of Jesus 4.Have cast out devils in the name of Jesus 5. Must be able to pray in tongues for at least an hour 6. Has been commissioned by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong in Jesus’ name to serve in public ministries 7.Required to pay a one time registration fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 8.Required to pay annual membership fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 (to be renewed yearly) 9. Obliged to contribute to association operating fund and participate in activity-planning. 10. Can receive a yearly complimentary book by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong or a book either published by the 418 Cultural Enterprise Company or distributed by 418.( Members need to present membership card for collection. Members outside of Taiwan will collect whenever 418 operate at their regions.) 11. Can receive a yearly complimentary CD set of Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s topical sermons, starting 2012 (4 CDs, 1 sermon each). 12.Can access the website (including Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s monthly sermon, new book bulletin and 418 monthly schedules) 13. Can participate in 418 training courses 14. Can receive a monthly 418 prayer letter. 15. Can receive an annual 418 Association newsletter. 16. Can enjoy a half-price registration fee for “418 Soak in the Spirit Journey” 17. Can enjoy a membership discount for online purchase of books or CDs. (Arrange own shipment) 18. Can participate in special regional meetings or short mission trips organized by 418 D.核心會員 . Core members : Appointed by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong in the name of Jesus to serve in public ministries 1.Must be a senior member for at least 2 years 2. Must have participated in “418 Soak in the Spirit Journey” at least thrice 3. Must be able to heal at least four kinds of diseases in the name of Jesus 4. Have cast out devils in the name of Jesus 5. Must be able to pray in tongues for at least an hour 6. Has been appointed by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong in the name of Jesus to serve in public ministrie 7. Required to pay a one time registration fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 8. Required to pay annual membership fee of NT 1000 or RM120 or SIN50 (to be renewed yearly) 9. Obliged to contribute to the association operating fund and activity-planning 10. Can receive a yearly complimentary book by Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong or a book either published by the 418 Cultural Enterprise Company or distributed by 418.( Members need to present membership card for collection. Members outside of Taiwan will collect whenever 418 operate at their regions.) 11. Can receive a yearly complimentary CD set of Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s topical sermons, starting 2012 (4 CDs, 1 sermon each). 12.Can access the website (including Pastor Zhang Zhi Xiong’s monthly sermon, new book bulletin and 418 monthly schedules) 13. Can participate in 418 training courses 14. Can receive a monthly 418 prayer letter 15. Can receive an annual 418 Association newsletter. 16. Can enjoy a half-price registration fee for “418 Soak in the Spirit journey” 17. Can enjoy a membership discount for online purchase of books or CDs. (Arrange own shipment) 18.Can participate in special regional meetings or short mission trips organized by 418 19. Can receive a complimentary bible-study CD for “Life in Christ” (according to level of progress)